Did you know it doesn’t matter if you’re connected to the net
24hrs a day or 15 min’s a day your system is vulnerable. Not
only is it vulnerable in that 15 min’s you can possibly loose all
your data get locked out of your own system and have all your
confidential information like your “Bank Account Numbers”, “Your
Budget”, “Your personal home address” compromised.
Don’t give me wrong, I’m not trying to throw you into a state of
paranoia either. What I am saying is that if you’re not careful
you leave yourself open to a wide range of attacks.
Perhaps you’re skeptical and saying to yourself “Oh I don’t do
anything on the net except check my E-mail etc that sort of thing
can’t happen to me.”
Okay I like a challenge let’s do a test!
System intrusion in 15 seconds, that’s right it can be done. If
you possess certain security flaws your system can be broken
into in less that 15 seconds.